Gold Dragon Covenant Ingot

The Carkade created Gold Dragon Covenant Ingots at the height of their power. Over the centuries successive Gold Dragon monarchs obtained and deactivated all the covenant ingots except for the Covenant of Confinement:
  1. Covenant Ingot of Confinement - limitations placed on where the Gold Dragons may dwell and roam
  2. Covenant Ingot of Bondage - specifies the labour tribute requirement of the Gold Dragons to the rightful possessor of the covenant
  3. Covenant Ingot of Surety - specifies number of Gold Dragons to be given up each year to the rightful possessor of the covenant
  4. Covenant Ingot of Hexspeak - compels Gold Dragons to wield sacred Elderday magic
  5. Covenant Ingot of Impressment - compels Gold Dragons to make war on behalf of the rightful possessor of the covenant
  6. Covenant Ingot of remembrance - compels Gold Dragons to recall their debts each time
To use activate each Covenant:
  1. Requires a full days attunement, costing 2x attunement slots
  2. Requires possession and previous attunement to each lower-level Covenant
  3. Requires completion of the Draconic Acroamatic Ritual


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