Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc

Major Orc tribes sent major warbands (100-200 per warband) under their respective treaties to the ruins of Cyclonore to serve under the Ojasi.
Purpose of the gathering was to confirm the many treaties under the seal of the Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc.
List or major Orc tribes:
  • Yellow Hand; 18,000
  • Skyburners; 10,000
  • Bridgebreakers; 8,000
  • Broken Necks; 8,000
  • Granite Rifts Raiders; 7,500
  • Hell’s Rogues; 7,500
  • Ironclaws; 7,500
  • Bullseye; 7,500
  • Orphan Farmers; 7,000
  • Whitefall Furies; 7,000
  • Bloody Winds; 7,000
  • Greyscale;7,000
  • Saracen Screamers; 6,500
  • Ironrunner; 6,500
  • Dire Lions; 6,500
  • Firetasters; 6,000
  • Black Hill Hoplites; 6,000
  • Demons Rot; 6,000
  • Oghar Hai’s Gladii; 6,000
  • Jagged Meatpackers; 6,000
  • Shieldbursters; 6,000
  • Tet Mountain Mutilators; 6,000
  • Urul’s Barbed Spears; 6,000
  The Great Treaty
  1. non-violence against all other Orcs marching under the sign of the “Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc” that march through their territory using the trails of Cruelfist, Brightforce, Ragesorrow, Grandfist and Bitterbreath
  2. guarantee of non-violence when the Whitefall Furies march under the sign of the “Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc” by other clans under the “Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc “when using the agreed routes
  3. answer the summons of the Grand Marshall of the Ojasi and to send warriors when demanded
  4. no war to be made on non-Orc nations beyond the borders of the Whitefall Furies unless commanded to do so by the Grand Marshall
  5. no war to be made on non-Orc nations upon the ancient northern and central trade roads unless commanded to do by the Grand Marshall
  6. No non-Orc passage will be allowed to pass through the territory of the Whitefall Furies unless commanded to do by the Grand Marshall
  7. Any Orc or non-Orc serving under the banner of the Ojasi will not be detained or made war upon by the Whitefall Furies
  8. Whitefall Furies will annually send a Warband numbering 100 as a sign of obeisance to serve under the Grand Marshall from his command post
  9. Whitefall Furies will receive a share of plunder as recognised under the ancient law of Iron Take when serving the Ojasi
  10. Ojasi will annually provide armour, swords and spears each equal to the number within the Whitefall Furies of grunts, war callers, warlords and chieftain

Treaty, Diplomatic

Articles under Great Treaty of Yavimayan Orc


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