Halcyon Palace

The Gold Dragon Imperial Palace and seat of the Gold Dragon Monarch   Exists beyond the physical Jey-Time Manifold in the Time Void, floating on the oceans and currents of time   Rooms in the Palace:
  • Aviary/Aeries
  • Underground bioluminescent forest
  • Monster kennels
  • Great Solar Hall
  • Rising Rivers
  • Astronomy and Observatory Towers
  • Liminal Lodges 
  • Over 10,000 bedroom/ multiuse rooms
  • Deep Time Forges
  • Storage
  • Kitchens
  • Training areas
  • Baths/Toilets
  • Banquet Halls
  • Minor Halls controlled by individual Ancient Gold Dragons
  • Gardens
  • Armories, including the mythical Farverse Armory
  • Libraries and Knowledge Stores
  • Orrery/Clocktowers
  • Multiverse Solars
  • Reception Halls
  • Treasury
  • Gold Dragon Sacred Sanctuary
  Lair Actions of the Gold Dragon Monarch on initiative 20:
  • Glimpses the future and gains advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, savings throws
  • One creature within 120” makes a DC 15 intelligence check or is banished until the next initiative 20
  • Knows the location of all creatures within 360"


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