Heian of Liodan

  • Beastmaster Ranger accompanied by his constant companion, the great wolf Onai
  • Wood Elf of the of the Idril Forest in northern Faerun
  • Noble of House Liadon, born 2nd in line to succeed his father as High Lord of the Erestor Elves
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 140 lbs
  • Appearance: pale skin, green eyes, short blonde hair, cloak frequently tied with a platinum family clasp
  • Wears well kept green-brown woodsman clothes that allow swift and unhindered movement through the deep and forbidding forest
  • Speaks common, elven, goblin, sylvan, orc
  • Heian's ancestral homeland Irdil is a vast region of old forest growth that stretches from the Nietcvr Mountains range in the north to near the settlement of Siasan in the south, and along the Dessarinvale Valley along the western face. The eastern border of the forest follows the course of the Delimbiyr Trotract river, which flows southward from the Nietcvr Mountains then bends to the southwest to pass north of the High Moor. The forest up to 100 miles across, and is considered one of the great forests in Faerûn.
  • Owes a debt to Kunoh his human barbarian friend who protected him after a coup by House Liadon's enemies saw the slaying of his family and Heian's exile into the wider world. With nothing but death waiting him in his homelands, Heian and Onai accompanied Kunoh on his quest to understand his place in the world.
Liodan appeared at the Palanquin Convocation: "I am Liodan Heain, speaker for the fallen Eldar.
I witness and despair.
It is not the Alin you welcome, but the Titans and Great Old Ones who serve the Horned God.
The 12th Atlantis was ruined by 7 Great Old Ones.
Holocene’s obliteration will require only the one.
The Mirror Host are fucktuplets.
The rest of you, slavishly stupid.”

Aligned Organization


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