Howenir Eventide

Howenir is the oldest son Marxand Eventide, Grand Duke of the House of Eventide and Bricath, Princess of Saturn Major of Jorentes.     He was entered into the care of the Temple of Lithandir within the Consumate Row and was made a Primary of Lithandir at the age of 16.  He proved an exceptional politician and administrator and quickly ascended the ranks of power, controlling and manipulating the politics of human nations from Jorentes to the Radiant Sea.    He succeeded as Lithandir Principal at the age of 28.   Externally approachable and generous, he pubicly ruled the Temple of Lithandir mildly, while privately he continued to rebuild his families failed fortunes and controlled the destiny of nations.  He re-established the prestige of the Temple of Lithandir, rebuilt the justice systems of the Radiant Sea kingdoms and was genuinely concerned about the welfare of the people under his care.   He rebuilt the main Lithandir Temple in Solis Major, spent Temple money improving many public buildings and brokered the end of more than a dozen petty conflicts and the end to the Gramidern-Port of Seas trade wars.  He has headed diplomatic missions to the all 4 Helegu Khanates and spent 5 years as the Consumate Row's agent to the Sovereign Host.   He married Carkeir Aschcla, a priestess within the Temple of Lithandir and together they had 4 children, among them Dawn Eventide.      Howenir has refused the position of Consumate Metropolitan on eight seperate occasions, and one occasion succesfully forwarded his own deputy into the role for it's 2 year period.



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