Leopard Orchids

  • Children with access to the original lifelight which now only exists at the far fringes of the Otherwhere
  • Lead by Nandi; others are Kudu, Honeypot, Fire Lily, Gloriosa, Hottentot, Gazania
  • Wear white wraps, wander the streets helping those in need
  • Always have puppies and kittens with them
  • Took their names from the specially bred orchids they stole from the broken court of the fallen Sapphire Empire of Ioyana Semudan centuries ago, during the First Time of Chaos (1,000 years ago), they were vagrants living on the fringes, in a deep forgotten grotto at the city’s edge found the remains of an observatory from the time when Atlantis was in full bloom
  • When the children fell through the fissure into the Atlantean observatory, they were being pursued by the henchmen of a wizard who wanted the last leopard orchids for himself
  • Wild magical energies and the alignment of the stars merged them with the original lifelight
  • Unable to escape, the children were consumed by the lifelight at the moment immediately prior to their death.
  • They then ascended into the lifelight while their bones remain locked together
  • They re-emerge only during a discontinuance event allows them access back to the real world
  • As Ascendants, the Leopard Orchids are less than children and more than human
  • Spread the lifelight by their healing
  • Most healing done by the Leopard Orchids is of a beneficial nature with the lifelight used to heal before it dissipates
  • Tevoras Stone is also now an Ascendant vessel for the lifelight, a living vessel who will be a catalyst for the generation of a new god (Quartz, Crystal, Agate, Moonstone)
  • Can access any healing, curing or abjuration as if a caster of level
  • Any creature contemplating harming them must make a DC20 wisdom save - if successful attack may be made with disadvantage, saving throw granted with advantage and resistance granted against all damage types
  • Advantage on banishment attempts
  • Immune to damage sources from the Outer Planes

Secret, Occult


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