Loxodon Homeworld

  • The Loxodon homeworld is now a fully honeycombed world destroyed after endless wars fully enclosed by the Void.
  • The core is inhabited by the Arch Mage and the borderline conscious machines of the Loxodon.
  • Other inhabitants include corrupted machines, undead and the Dread.
  • It is now entirely within the borderland of the Void and appears mostly phased out of existence.
  • The machine-artefacts in each major Skyworld were recently activated by the BMG to protect them from the Void, while the Archmage, now once again in possession of the Staff of the Argeantweald is working to reactivate the machine-artefacts in the core of the homeworld to seal the expanding Void.


Over tens of thousands of years, the Loxodon homeworld was turned into a machine to trap and mark the Void.   This saw the Loxodon homeworld wracked by continual violent earthquakes and other natural disasters including loss of atmosphere, metal, and stone liquefication and emergence of enormous chasms 100s of miles deep.   Many Loxodon died or fled as their civilisation declined and fell during the final war with the Alin.   During the last discontinuance event, the last of the Loxodon abandoned their final home as the danger from the Void proved too dangerous to endure.  As a last resort to preserve some of their homeworld and under the command of the Heirarchs the Loxodon Skyworlds were designed and crafted as a final haven.   Deep within the core were machine-artefacts designed to attract the Void to the homeworld so that it would not spill into the rest of the places.  Within the major Skyworlds the final machines were created that can generate sigils that would cast massive forcefields around their planetoid to protect it from being consumed by the Void, White Wasps and Phantom Energy.   The Loxodon began work on a system combining sigils, magic and machines that could not only hold back the Void, but could seal the tear into the Void and even stop the Nothing.  This work was never completed although clues were left inside the homeworld, the Skyworlds and on the other worlds which they visited.   Despite the long-lived memories of the Loxodon, only their Heirarchs now recall the true nature and purpose of their homeworld and they are all now trapped after their sacrifice to end the last major Discontinuance Event.

A loxodon construct corrupted by the Void

Deep within the honeycomb remnants of the Loxodon homeworld


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