
  • Population of 20,000 to 30,000; in constant transition. Some demi-humans, including a thriving gnome population. Dwarves and Elves are traders, scouts or outcasts.
  • A slow-moving and massive Chordata River makes its way through the edges of the city. The undulating plains mean at times the river is bordered by steep banks and other times deep wetlands.
  • Buildings are almost uniformly round. Often slightly bulbous in shape.
  • There are some ruins of an Argos fortress which a marketplace has settled upon, including the current crop of Janto Traders.
  • There are no other structures older than the initial Helegu invasion. Maa has changed from a small tribal outpost to the growing metropolis it is today in the span of 20 years.  This growth has occurred after the Semushina clan claimed Maa as their capital after they were elected to govern the Singidi Circle.
  • The Spar Towers are between 10m to 50m in height



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