

Mayb travels from town to town, keeping a low profile, but using her supernatural abilities and her natural knack for sleight of hand and deception, to make a modest income from gambling and fraud. Her targets are always those that she thinks of as "deserving" - dice cheats who prey on the innocent, corrupt businessmen, evil lords. For larger scale cons, she has assumed the identities of many others - both fictitious and real - leaving behind a myriad of angry folk who aren't quite sure who cheated them or how.   She has recently fallen in with a rag tag group of adventurers who she met through a traveling bard, Ophion, that she has come across in taverns several times through her travels. He knows her only a little, and while he suspects she may occasionally cheat at dice, he has no real knowledge of her past, or the scope of her fraud.   These adventurers all seem like good people, and they seem to be trying to make the world a better place, rather than worse like most people. She sees this group as an opportunity to try to find less deceitful ways of bringing positive balance to the world, but she knows she cannot completely deny her true nature. After all, you should always do what you do best, right?   In-game Character Development

While traveling from the City of Maa to the Keshin Sea, an unknown figure asked Boss Jari about the whereabouts of Maybellina. Jari claimed ignorance, but told Maybellina about the conversation, saying that the one seeking her had claimed she was an escaped slave, owed as a bride to a powerful entity.   Upon learning that the blue-skinned Tieflings were all descended from a single father, Mephistopheles, Mayb privately confided in her red-skinned Tiefling companion Ophion that the cult she had escaped from was dedicated to the worship of Mephistopheles. Ophion assured her that he was no ally of Mephistopheles or his blue-skinned children, and would destroy them, given a chance. Has been tasked by Verenestra to destroy the Leopard Orchid cult, and its leader Nandi.

First meeting with Verenastra
Aligned Organization

Character Info
  • Maybellina Stoneraven
  • Human Warlock
  • 5'6" tall
  • 130 lbs
  • Green eyes
  • Fair skin
  • Black hair, medium length
  • Prefers to wear long, flowing garments in purples and blacks, but will often be seen wearing completely different outfits, depending on her needs for anonymity, fitting in with her surroundings, etc, at the time
  • Frequently seen gambling - and winning - at dice games
  • Her Fae Raven familiar, Quoth, is never far away


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