
  • Mephistopheles is antilife
  • He gathers souls about him to feast on their energy and use them in his ongoing magical experimentation
  • Has plans in place to survive the current major discontinuance, the weakening of the Spaces and the dislodgement of the Outer Planes.  This includes accessing the Lifelight to use the contained radiant energy.  He wants to control and use radiant energy against his outer planar enemies, but cannot do so while the Ascendant Leopard Orchids are active.
  • He commanded Verenastra to destroy the Leopard Orchids as he did not want to risk the Leopard Orchids infecting the real world with the Lifelight as this would severely jeopardise his plans for the Nine Hells as well as in the real world.
  • Mephistopheles is also concerned that the Lifelight will make its way to the Feywild or into the hands of any of his many enemies.  His power over allegiances he has been fostering for millennium in the Feywild and elsewhere would be threatened if they could access the Lifelight and break their connection to him.
  • As the Lifelight is antithesis to outer world beings, Mephistopheles used Ophion as a host for his Avatar to enter the Lifelight.  Once through the gates of the Lifelight the Avatar was able to safely emerge and tried claiming control of a cahe of radiant energy but was defeated by the SRG
  • Defeat in the Lifelight meant that the Avatar form was unable to escape to the Nine Hells and was deestroyed utterly.  This has severely damaged the true form of Mephistopheles in the Nine Hells.



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