Mirror Host

The Mirror Host represent a magical arm of the Helegu Khaganate.

In the early days of Helegu expansion the Mirror Host were a faction of the Empire seen to be above and seperate from the traditional intra-tribe squabbles and feuds that had ben responsible for so much bloodshed over the centuries. Uniting behind the first true Khagans, the Mirror Host were ruthless in extinguishing foes of the Khaganate, whether magical or non-magical in nature.

Over the centuries the Mirror Host splintered into many factions and warred more frquently internally than with external enemies. Over the 300 years since the initial Helegu invasions the Mirror Host diminished to the point of insignificance, being replaced by different cults serving a growing number of khans and claimants to the many positions of power within the Helegu expanse. In the recent decades the Mirror Host has come roaring back to prominence and is now the arcane arm of the powerful Blue Host.

Incredinly powerful and influential, the Yasar of the Mirror Host is considered second in power only to the Blue Khan.

At the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald’s Blaze they were witnesses represented by Yasar who offered resources to trade for access to the Ink.
    "We possess great reach and the resources of Empire. Accept our emissary and trade for access"
At the Wraith Assembly Kord Moebius announced:
    "The Mirror Host infiltrators have now been sacrificed and their spirit guardians made extinct. Bring me the unbelievers from Jorentes, so that they may share in the fates of the Helegu spies."

Secret, Occult


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