
  • The Moranth are an Elder race of humans
  • They wear armour sutured to their skin and plague doctor masks.
  • A Moranth named Thorn was with the Skaegaard when the SRG visisted the Chalklands.
  • Thorn cast illusions to demonstrate the current state of the Feywilds and was the expert deferred to by the Skardgaard in relation to the state of other planes
  • The SRG possibily briefly visitied the original Caridern homeworld where a dessicated Caridern was found in close proximity to 3 dessicated Moranth.
  • The Professor took one of the Moranth masks and identified it as to granting a perpetual "airy bubble" and "protection from disease" to the wearer
  • The Moranth were seen in the Otherwhere by the BMG when Helm Darkport was leading them through the dark highways in the vicinity of Atlantis, as glimpsed by Gimblenock
  • In the Otherwhere city of Zanji, the professor accessed a Moranth sphere that housed his workshop in Deep Port, a taxidermed Illithid who spoke psychically to the Professor named Sless (Sless, unbenownst to the Professor was the name of the Ulitharid who fought the BMG near Wolves Reach) and the a presnec eidentifying itself as Valt
  • "Valt loves all who serves. Valt loves the Professor. Valt and the porfessor are one. Valt is the Professor."

Moranth Sphere

Political, Confederation


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