Ojasi-Blue Host Alliance

An agreement declaring that alliance exists between Ojasi of Fel Voggoth and the Khaganate of the Blue Host
Be it enacted by Viceroy Dilban Tilbu , 1st servant to the Great Khagan Jumulka and Grand Marshall Rartuck Deathband, foremost among the Ojasi
  • First. That the Blue Host - Ojasi alliance is declared to exist, and has existed since the fifteenth day of the Summertide in the Year 1471
  • Second. That the Ojasi and Blue Host will be united to bring about the destruction of all nations from the Blue Host to the Radiant Sea
  • Third. That the Ojasi and Blue Host will follow the war instructions declared at the Conclave of the Khaganate in the Deepwinter of 1473
Treaty, Diplomatic


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