Ol Alem - the Rope

  • An order older than Semudan from the Time of the Warlords
  • Assassins, spies and killers
  • Founded by “Geele”
  • Were witnesses at the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald’s Blaze where they were represented by Ol Mocha, Nightmaster of the Western Bloc of Ol Alem
  • "We live to serve the will of the glorious Papan Geele.
    Our only purpose is to serve him. "
  • Papan Geele was the Loa who answered the call of Emerald's Blaze that now rides Papa Caprice after the Planquin Convocation
  • During the Palanquin War, the Rope who are usually neutral in disputes bewteen cults and sects has increasingly taken on jobs for Emerald's Blaze



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