
  • Heian's wolf companion.
  • He is a loyal friend, and a fierce defender of Heian and friends.
  • He has a tentative friendship with Kunoh, who is proving himself to be trustworthy over time, but it has taken many years as Kunoh is a celebrated slayer of wolfkind. Onai understands this, he is aware of the ways of the Ellanher, but it makes him very very uncomfortable and it is only the closeness of Kunoh to Heian that has saved Kunoh from a not-so-friendly bite on occasion. Luckily, Kunoh remembers to keep his trophy necklace of wolves teeth hidden so as not to provoke Onai. Onai understands the significance of Kunoh keeping this hidden, and recognises it for the olive branch it is intended to be.
  • Because Onai is a good boy.

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