Radial Energy and the Lifelight

  • Whenever one of the Elder Gods uses their élan vital, residual power is created that is known as radial energy
  • Elan Vital; The vital principle or animating force within living being, also known as the divine spark
  • Radial energy moves slowly through the spaces as long ribbons of power and accumulate in the Spaces at the edge of the Great Beyond forming the Lifelight
  • Radial Energy: spiritual energy which accumulates into a higher state as time progresses
  • Radial energy can be harnessed by the Elderday beings but is useless to modern day beings
  • The lifelight has a powerful collective awareness that has formed an Otherwhere where all the Lifelight and its attendant radial energy reside
  • The lifelight is a mass of highly concentrated surging divine power of ultimate antiquity, which resemble brilliant and dangerous spheres
  • It is extremely difficult to control except where it so wishes to be controlled
  • Over the life of the multiverse it is the lifelight that has spontaneously produced new divine sparks
  • Divine sparks are a prerequisite for gods, as it is the divine spark that is the true animating force of existence and consciousness
  • • Each ‘round’ of divine sparks created are different to any that have come before them
  • The lifelight can spontaneously ascend beings without ascending them as gods
  • It is rarely refreshed in modern days as the planes are now too fractured for radial energy to easily reach the fringes of the Otherwhere from the Spaces where the Elder Gods now dwell
  • During discontinuance events are larger amounts of divine energy generated by the Elder Gods reach the lifelight and bring it out of dormancy
  • If used for major healing (Inc. resurrection) the lifelight can infect and linger in an individual, causing a range of possible effects
  • This can include an individual to be resistant to certain types of damage, be able to heal, to regenerate or to regenerate so powerfully that when a person’s temporary hit points given double normal hit points that individual is no longer able to contain the lifelight and dies
  • Unless an individual ascends (like the Leopard Orchids) the lifelight eventually burns away all individuals infected by it
  • Lifelight is anathema to beings from the outer planes being an entirely different form of energy compared to the divine sparks possessed by the modern gods


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