Ruby Imperials

  • Lead by the Rubiscourge Dominican Hana they are the arcane protectors of the Emperor
  • Other Ruby Imperials include Zulema Darksun (second speaker), Kishana, Furnell, Zaniel (Ruby Court Seneschal) and Cain Houn
  • Want the Revelation brought under control, but will take their time as this weakens one of their opponents in the Imperial Court, the Sovereign Host
  • Have been watching the run of arcane events with unease and are working to protect themselves first, then the Empire, then the Emperor
  • Seeking to understand the Star Dragon prophecies and omens
  • Continuing to manipulate many of the other societies behind the scenes
  • Did not interfere in the Tal-Sosso conflict, as it weakened both sides, are seeking a way to capitalise on the carnage
  • Want to be the last society standing
  • Researching Apocalypse class artefacts - all writing in draconic


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