
The Sorne are a race of Elderday Giants who speak a form of High-Giant in deep rumbling tones. Sorne have four digits on each hand, reach a maximum 50” in height with darkly lustrous syrup coloured skin, green liquid that erupts from tears in their skin hissing and fizzing at it vaporises and shooting stars that move across blazing indigo eyes. Sorne have also appeared as huge trees with trunks approaching 30” and branches spanning as far as 300”.

A moving Sorne is unnerving to watch. It doesn’t simply move in steady motion but repeatedly and disjointedly disassembles and re-assembles itself, moving from one location to another.

The Sorne left the prime plane hundreds of thousands of years ago to be far beyond the reach of most other creatures. Now existing only in remote inter-dimensional locations such as lacunas, the Sorne are now seen only rarely in wider existence.

Sorne are fabled to be the engineers and builders of the first Atlantis. Inside the modern-day remnant of Atlantis, a Sorne Collective dwells inside a lacuna from the time of Atlantis’s construction. A rune covered orb covered in Moranth script was a deeply multi-layered artefact that when unlocked exposed a full 4-D atlas of Atlantis that predicted and adjusted for the flow of time. It was designed by the Suprurr and gifted from Sorne to the Goreo.

Sorne see the events of existence from a long-term perspective spanning millions of years in the past and future. With collective memory stretching back to the true elder days the Sorne are keepers of lore, utterly forgotten by all modern-day races. This includes the true lore of the Elder Gods and a means to communicate with them.

Storm giants communicate infrequently with others of their kind. They do so usually to compare signs and omens or engage in a rare courtship. Storm giant parents stay together to raise a child to maturity, then return to the solitary isolation they cherish.


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