Staff of Shadowfel

Rare magic item (requires attunement)   There is one unique staff that is aligned with a unique Staff of the Feywild. When paired they serve as control keys for the Pale House artefact mechanism.   Bronze Band (belongs on the head of the unique Staff)
  • Summon Shadows (3x individual Shadows per long rest + 3hp loss for each additional shadow to a maximum of 1 additional shadow per level) can be done as a bonus action
  • Grants darkvision 60” (increases darkvision by 30” for those already in possession of darkvision)
  • Darkness spell (1x short rest)
  • Summon Shadow Demon (1x long rest + adavnatge on concentration checks)
  • Shadow step (1x short rest as per monk skill) + 3hp loss for each additional shadow step to a maximum of 1 additional shadow step per 2 levels) can be done as a bonus action
Item type


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