Stone Giant Covenants

In the time of the Carkade, the Stone Giants were compelled to leave their territory by entering into a covenant with the Carkade. Harnessing the power of Aves Reva, the Carkade created six covenants that enslaved the Stone Giants in return for the Crakade ceasing their relentless pogrom against the Stone Giants. Each covenant is similar in design to a Stone Giant speakiing stone, but on a smaller scale to be used by the Carkade.   Six covenant stones were created, which bonded the Stone Giants in a number of ways to the Carkade:
  • Covenant of Confinement - limitations placed on where the Stone Giants may dwell and roam
  • Covenant of Bondage - specifies the labour tribute requirement of the Stone Giants to the rightful possessor of the covenant
  • Covenant of Surety - specifies number of Stone Giants to be given up each year to the rightful possessor of the covenant
  • Covenant of Hexspeak - compels the Stone Giant polemancers to wield the sacred speaking stones of war
  • Covenant of Impressment - compels the Stone Giants to make war on behalf of the rightful possessor of the covenant
  • Covenant of Remembrance - compels the Stone Giants to recall their debts each time
  A rightful possessor are the Carkade and Aves Reva’s true witnesses

The possession of all compels the Stone Giants to recognise the possessor as their one and true ruler - the possessor does not need to be a “rightful possessor”     The covenant of confinement was one of the items affixed Zolim Tira Athemon. It was not removed prior to Zolim being freed from the Duergar by the BMG. It is unknown if Zolim had any of the other covenants affixed to him.


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