Tal Accord goes out with a loud whimper 1475.09

Maybellena was called to the Feywild. She left a note for the others, taking only Kunoh with her as back up. She met with her patron who gave her some instructions regarding future events of which Maybellena had no knowledge of as yet.   They were away for what seemed like 2 days for them in the Feywild, but which was six weeks for the rest of their companions. When they returned, the companions were only a few days travel from the capital city of Zanji - the city where they were instructed to deliver the strange ink to.   Upon their return, Professor Ruben remains as fascinated by the ink as ever, bordering on obsessed. This not being terribly unusual for the Professor, the companions do not realise he is about to do something which has drastic consequences.   The Paladins of Tal have been mounting multiple expeditions driving back the encroaching dark emanating from the cursed territory of former Sosso
The Sorcerer King and the Fallen of Sosso have lured the Paladins and their allies deeper and deeper into their territory, feigning retreat after retreat
Cut off and days away from support the Sorcerer King showed his hand and encircled the Paladins with a huge night force Surviving paladins and allies are being hunted down
The Sorcerer King simultaneously commanded the Faithful of Fallen Sosso to attack all those who have provided support to the Paladins
Any village, town, site where the Paladins rested, recuperated or took in provisions are all considered enemy
  • 25 farming communities have been destroyed
  • 15 villages have been destroyed, 20 villages have been badly damaged
  • 2 towns have been nearly wiped out
  • 10 holy places have been desecrated
  • 10 village shrines have been desecrated and destroyed
  • Shree Bal, a small complex of temples servicing a large area where the Paladins rested and provisioned themselves before moving on Sosso is now under regular assault
  • Many villagers have fled for the security of Shree Bal
  • There are refugees fleeing the area
  • Captives being taken back
  • Settlements that did not aid the Paladins have been left unharmed in return for protection
  Prophets of the Revelation on the road, in towns declaring the end times “Limited in their nature, infinite in their hubris, the gods are failed, the eternal spheres already forget them.” “What a disgrace! The gods are afraid...ashamed...they choose to conceal it... burying the Great Civilizations whose mere appearance challenges their hollowness...they have turned their backs on our world...now silent... they seek to seal us away forever”   The party entered a settlement that failed to pay protection and were being taken as slaves.
Su-monsters were fought, Sosso faithful fought, an elven druid returned to her desicrated grove.   Shree Bal
Contains temples dedicated to:
  • Eldath, Goddess of Peace
  • Ilmater, God of Endurance
  • Mielikki, Goddess of Forests
  • Lathander, God of birth and renewal
  • Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture
A temple complex has been in this location for over a 1000 years
Is now seen as a bulwark against the darkness of Sosso
Has been a place of refuge during dark days in the past
Harboured the Paladins and their allies before they set off into Sosso
Many priests, especially the more fanatical and bright eyed younger priests and priestesses went with the Paladins and their allies
Summoned celestials have defended against the demons and undead that have been sent against Shree Bal
Few high level priests are left
No direct assault has been made against Shree Bal, they’ve all been hit & run and long distance attacks
They cannot get messages out, the magic circles have been destroyed by demons and large scale dimensional anchor weapons have been set about the temple by the Sorcerer King
A large scale gnoll raid is driving south deflecting attention of the local chiefs


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