
Tarathiel is an ancient Elven kingdom, that once stretched from Kord's Spires to the Zero Sea commanded tribute from the neighbouring hominid peoples. to the Zero Sea. Now reduced to territory hemmed in the the Blue Catar human tribes in the west and no longer controlling land north of the Terreaf Mountains, their territory still includes the largest known stands of Imperial Sun trees that can grow to more than 1000" in height and support the vibrant tree cities of the elves.   The Tarathiel eventually became entiwined with the politics of the expanding Helegu Khaganate and after a rolling series of wars, that saw the territory of the Tarathiel reduced to a third of their pre-war size and the loss of more than half their population, the Tarathiel yielded and were reduced to the status of a vassal state.   In modern times the Tarathiel have gained a measure of independence from the Helegu, and while still required to contribute an annual tribute to the Great Khan of the Blue Helegu but are otherwise left to run their kingdom as they sit fit.   More recently, the Tarathiel have experienced a wave of supernatural incursions related to the Spaces and the impending encroachment of sequestered Alin and the predicted arrival of extraterrestial invaders ahead of a Great Old One.


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