Terror Bird City 1479.03

City of the Terror Birds. Terror Bird Royal House are one of the 12 Carkade clans. Mix of both living and undead in the city.   Undead giants guard each of the bridges. Spartoi patrol the skies.   Dawn casts a feast-type spell that increases max HP by 14 and various immunities for 24 hours.   Party hears large things coming through the jungle. 13 11-foot Ogre 'Skeletons'. Created by Elderday Petrifaction spell.   Essen casts Pass Without Trace. Gimblenock turns invisible.   Essen, Ophion and Gimblenock climb trees. Dwayne tries to hide.   Mummy of Carkade floats 30 feet above the constructs. Turns and spots Essen, lets out a death whistle. Undead party turns and lumbers away.   Gimblenock investigates the area for traps. Dwayne assists. Ophion bardically inspires with Henry Mancini's Pink Panther Theme.   City protected by three arcane barriers (alarm).   Undead Mastodon skeletons are pulling barges and dredging near the edge of the water.   Petrifacted Storm Giants guarding various points (see Petrifaction spell for info).   Across the bridge, a caravan of richly garbed Tieflings (members of the Bane cult) are being conveyed by human slaves.   3 caravans approach. Black and gold heraldry. Hakima Rakshasa (tiger woman) shows her face. Caravans followed by 100 strong retinue of various races.   Approach the Sun Temple   At night Hunaphu, Colpo and Kimli appear in the Great Court and receive supplicants   BMG recognise the sizzling power among the three, and are excited by the prospect of worthy foes   An unremarked character urges caution as the full might of the Terror Bird Clan is in shouting distance   Zarathustra provides Taxonomy Amulets which last briefly, but allow BMG to pass as undead to detection spells for brief period of time   Black Dragons, undead and Carkade powers crawl over the contaminated surface of the Nacre Pyramid   A brief golden glowing zigzag fractures up the side of the Nacre Pyramid and the bMG follow quickly while a laser light show spits and spins about the the Three   Millions of 1 inch by 1 inch stones faced the twisting tunnel that leads into the depths of the Nacre Pyramid towards the Scared Archives of the Terror Bird Clan - everyone remembers the Gold Dragon Covenant Ingots - "Oh yeah, that's why we're here, the Covenant Ingot of Confinement that places limitations placed on where the Gold Dragons may dwell and roam are held by the Terror Bird Clan". Each side of the outfacing cube contains an individual carved figure of a fallen enemy, mostly hominids, but some Alin and other non-Hominids.   There's a quick debate, the BMG undecided as to what to do when they (if) they get their hands on the Covenant of Confinement - the Carkade created Gold Dragon Covenant Ingots at the height of their power. Over the centuries successive Gold Dragon monarchs obtained and deactivated all the covenant ingots except for the Covenant of Confinement   The BMG descend to the first level - a beautiful library lit by bobbing, floating machines emitting light and served by jaguar automotons   What next?  


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