Thanks for playing, kisses Mama Tet 1475.06

Day 1: Ophion, Tranq, and Atala return with Placido the Unicorn. A note is waiting for the party.   House of Eshin   The articulated armour as purchased by one Master Heian is now available for collection.   and there is a drawing of a rat.   Day 2:   Atala sleeps terribly this night, plagued by horrible dreams, wakes exhausted (1 level of exhaustion).   Placido retrieves Kunoh, Heian, Onai and Nick Furry.   A second note is received.   Front: If you want the bling-bling, come for it Ghosts   Back: to the Northern Ghosts with a symbol on it - the symbol for perseverance.   Heian & Tranq go to collect Onai's armour. An old guy comes up to Tranq, showing him some fancy claw weapons. Heian collects the armour and they look around, noting a lot of different armour, weapons, and blueprints for war machines. Tranq asks around for some information on 2nd hand armour. The old man tells Tranq that he hopes he returns one day, bringing his tiefling friend, as he would love to do something for him.   Tranq & Heian then go to the markets. Heian purchases some feathers for a spell he has recently learned.   Meanwhile, while Placido is still around, Atala asks him if he knows anything about the dreams. He knows these dreams are caused by the Night Hag we left alive. The Night Hag is riding Atala in her sleep, from the Ephereal Plain, not allowing her to rest. Placido advises this must be addressed or Atala will soon die.   Atala asks Placido if he would mind transporting her and 2 friends to confront the Night Hag. Placido agrees, they make plans to do this in a couple of days (after Placido has finished returning everyone else from the faewild).   Atala casts protection from evil to try to get a good night's sleep.   Day 3:   Placido returns with Mayb & Ruben.   Ruben & Placido have a lovely cup of tea. Placido is delighted with Ruben's company, and gives him a special 3 time only double proficiency bonus.   Ophion heads off to see the old man, the engineer, as per Tranq's message. The engineer tells him another tiefling ordered something for Ophion, custom made to detailed specifications. There is a headpiece, a collar, and a piece of tail armour. Ophion looks over the blueprints, notices some symbols - the unblinking eye, faceted, a symbol which always gave him the creeps as a child, as well as alchemical symbols for arsenic, copper, ammonia, lead, and salt but inverted. Also something to do with poison. The engineer gushes about the quality of his own work, emphasising that everything is paid for. Ophion asks for some time to consider these items and leaves.   Atala researches night hags all day.   Ruben researches also, looking to make sense of the note we received about the "bling bling", which he believes is a reference to the stolen warpstone. He goes out, seeking similarly academically minded individuals. He finds a local university, speaks with some professors, and they discuss the note and the symbols. With their help, Ruben concludes it is a message from Mama Tet. The professors become very cold and distant with Ruben once this is made clear, and Ruben leaves, having found the answers he was after.   Heian heads out, looking into the area's elven population. He doesn't find out much, but he does learn there is a mass migration to the south, through the jungle, moving away from what is clearly an encroaching enemy.   At the end of the day, Kunoh, Ruben, Heian wait while Atala settles down for the night. Placido arrives and takes the 3 of them off into the Ethereal plane to seek out the Night Hag. We see it and Ruben attacks, slashing. Heian summons a rhino (!) who charges into the Night Hag, making it prone, and Kunoh attacks after. Placido gets involved, finishing the Night Hag off, trampling and stabbing it with his horn. We take its heartstone and soul bag.   Day 4:   Upon waking, Atala seeks out some sort of healing related god to try to get her soul healed from the damage caused by the Night Hag. She finds someone, donates 500 GP "to the greater good", and they heal her.   Everyone heads off with Ophion to see the engineer. Tranq overhears something on the way, and heads off to do some investigating on his own of a personal matter. Heian wanders off to speak with the fletcher, looking for a better bow.   The engineer is so excited. He shows off the armour, pointing out all the details. Together, the party discovers primordial text woven into the fabric under the double helix design on the tail armour. Mayb reads the words with her Comprehend Languages ability, realises they make up a spell, something about a horned god. Atala sees more of this writing on the collar, Ophion spies some on the horns. He realises this means he will never be dirty if he wears these items, under a permanent mend spell, and he would also gain an advantage to any attempt to scry except on the person wearing the paired horns.   Ophion gives in to the temptation of the armour, knowing it might not end well ... he puts the armour on, it locks into place. Immediately, his tail tries to attack Atala - Ophion understands it is because she is an "enemy of the family". Ophion resists. He hears his father's voice in his head, telling him to kill Atala, and to keep an eye on Ruben.   We leave, and meet up again with Tranq, Ophion's tail lingering near Atala the whole time, at one point even seeming to grow up to 5 feet in length. Ruben advises we are being followed by some small children. Ruben calls them over, gives them some money, and tells them to pass Mama Tet a message that we are on our way.   Heian and Tranq remain outside, while the others head into the compound. We are approached by children, they take our hands and they lead us to Mama Tet. She wants to deal. She wants to know why Architeuthis, the Elder God of Prophecy and Hunger, is watching us. She calls out to Tranq and Heian, demanding they join us before she goes any further. They come in, and she activates a sigil, making the area a "zone of truth". Atala asks her what good the warpstone is to her. She explains it is from the Great Beyond, and it stops the universe from interacting with itself. She is amused we do not understand the significance of the warpstone, and yet we still want it back. She is happy to take the Night Hag's soul bag in exchange for the warpstone. We leave.   On our way back to the inn, we suddenly remember the special ink stuff, we haven't checked on it in days! We rush to the storage barn we had stashed it in, along with our carpet stall, and the lock is broken, the door is ajar, our carpets strewn everywhere. The ink egg itself seems safe ... but there's 13 dead men surrounding it, with ink all over their mouths. Further examination shows a summoning circle on the floor. Ruben reads the name Slarkrethel, and knows this is the name of the founder of the Kraken society, they had psychic powers, lured people to them, but the society was destroyed 200 years ago. Slarkrethel was from an underwater elven city, where an illiad lives, who allied herself with the society to cause a war between Waterdeep and someone else.   We conclude something mustn't have gone as expected for these 13 men. Ruben notices that the bodies actually have coral and barnacles on them, leading Kunoh and Heian to realise they must be sea spawn.   We realise we must do something about these dead bodies. Atala smuggles the ink egg out of the room. Tranq, Ruben and Heian sneak out. Mayb screams as if she has just happened upon this terrible scene. The owner comes to see what the matter is. Kunoh rants and tries to be as intimidating and angry as possible (he is pretty upset about his carpets being damaged to be honest), while Ophion explains how we're completely innocent of course. The owner simply responds that she thought all the sea spawn had been driven away. She asks what the ink is all about. Ophion denies all knowledge. She comments that something has been moved. Ophion continues to play dumb. She mentions she doesn't see any of the kraken priests, and these spawn don't look local, they look like they're from the South. She offers to dispose of the bodies for us for a fee. We give up playing dumb, and take her offer. We give her 130 gold, 10 for each corpse. Kunoh asks if she knows how to get ink out of carpet. She seems to take pity on the oaf, and casts a spell to remove the ink. She smells the ink and says it's something very dangerous, something more, with properties well beyond ink. We ask her if she knows anything further. She goes into a trance, tells us it has the properties of ... sensory disruption, enemy deterrence, increased lethality of weapons ... she drops out of her trance. She tells us to get the hell out of her city. This is the ink of Architeuthis. We agree now would be a good time to move on.


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