The Places

  • The Places (the planes) emerged from the Spaces and have been seperate but bound to the Spaces ever since.
  • The planes are self-contained spheres of existence with their own natural and physical rules that exist inside the entirety of the spaces.
  • The planes can be imagined as a series of overlapping malleable spheres that push, overlap and coexists with each other.
  • The higher the plane, the more conceptual and spiritual and less primal and physical it is. The higher the plane the further away from the posint of original existence it becomes. Once full conceptual reality is reached existence within the spaces is at an end and the plane no longer exists within the multiverse.
  • The lower the plane, the more primal & physical and less conceptual & physical. Beneath the known elemental planes are planes of endless waves of pure energy.
  • It is always more difficult to descend than it is to rise - it is extremely difficult for the creatures of the outer planes to return to the lower planes; inherently they are unstable. It is difficult to maintain personal integrity the lower one descends
  • Mortals can ascend the ladder of lanes to the higher planes, but even they struggle to endure for long - it is difficult to maintain a sense of self the higher one ascends
  • The planes are not simply laid out as per the great cosmological wheel - it is infinitely complex and includes a multitude of planes “like glass spheres” that press and push against each other, and with the changing and alignment of stars alters their relationship to others.
  • There were previous versions of the Outer Planes, which were tied to the previous incarnation of gods that existed. When the Outer Planes lose the gods, whose divine sparks keep the planes stable, the planes disintegrate, and their ‘blueprint’ returns to the quanti.
Prime Plane
  • According to the scholars of the Great University, the Prime Plane is the one and only true plane that has always and will always exist.
  • Mama Tet sniggered at the knowledge of the Scholars when talking at the Professor one time, saying they had less idea about the truth of Prime Plane than she did, and she didn't know all that much
  • The accepted model of the planes is the cosmological wheel, however there are other theories debated by sages, magicians, priests and the Great University
Relationship to the Elder Gods and Modern Gods
  • The Elder Gods were locked away in closed off dimensions, victims of distant fissures, wars and time
  • The Elder Gods are ‘tidally locked’ with the earlier multiverse, especially the lower planes. It is difficult for them to navigate the Outer Planes, and prefer the mortal plane, Echo Planes and Lower Planes when not in the Spaces.
  • The noogenesis of the modern gods lead to the creation of the outer planes. The modern gods with their own distinct divine spark came into being in an ‘ascended’ state and are tied into the outer planes.
Relationship to Discontinuance Events
  • The local clusters slip and push against each other; remaining static due to the pressure; ‘slipping’ and rearranging periodically.
  • Distant and locked planes are released with the ascension of a new north star caused by the Major Discontinuance event.
  • Rearrangement closes old connection and creates new ones, both in the mortal plane and the other planes, it is one of the many causes of planar discontinuities.
  • The new north star and alignment of stars is associated with the freeing up of the Elder Gods from the Spaces, but the exact cause-effect is unknown

Metaphysical, Divine


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