The Revelation

  • Lead by the charismatic High Prophet of the True Light Demondre Devont
  • The other Prophets include Timetric of Bankis, Randarious Nenin, Keyarra of Kania and Elidee of Mossi
  • Believers in the coming and rising of new gods
  • True bright-eyed believers wanting to see the modern gods burn
  • They believe that the full emergence of the Elder Gods and the total dissolution of the modern gods will lead to the destruction of all life, without the arising and devotion to a new pantheon
  • Awaiting the Arrival - Olorun (divine father) and Yemoja (divine mother)
  • They have been conflicted with the established religions of the Sovereign Row and the Semudan empire for years
  • Their followers have had pogroms lead against them in the past, but they have a lot of underground support
  • Except for street preaching and doomsaying, they have avoided the authorities until recently with the emergence of their new charismatic leader Demondre Devont and his 4 prophets
  • Were shadow observers at the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald’s Blaze
  • Are aware of Tevoras Stone and his resurrection and are keeping him under close watch, and are ready to acquire him if he is at risk of harm or falling under the influence of forces other than that of the Revelation
  • One of their many prophecies is that a man resurrected by the lifelight (e.g. Tevoras Stone) will be one of many to point the Revelation to their new gods
  • “And the first to commune shall be as white agate in the illumination of a diamond sun. By his undying by the furthest light shall he be known to you”
  • The appearance of Architeuthis has long been foretold and the Revelation is now in a frenzy of anti-establishment hysteria after the Elder God's appearance. This and their contiunuing street battles with the Sovereign Host is what led to their assualt on the Sovereign Host and the bloodshed that has followed.
  • They believe that the full emergence of the Elder Gods and the total dissolution of the modern gods will lead to the destruction of all life, unless a new pantheon of gods protects all mortal beings.
Qutoes on the gods and Sovereign Host:
  • “Limited in their nature, infinite in their hubris, the gods are failed, the eternal spheres have already forgotten them.”
  • “What a disgrace! The gods are afraid...ashamed...they conceal their fear... burying the Great Civilizations whose mere appearance challenges their hollowness...they turn their backs on us, on our silent... they want us sealed away forever”
  • “And the first to commune shall return from death as white agate in the illumination of a diamond sun lit firecely in the furnace of the Lifelight. By his undying will the first true path be revealed”

Timetric of Bankis clashing with the SRG in Zanji    

Sacred imagae revered by the Revelation


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