The Skaeguard 1474.01 to 1474.06

Travelled along edge of Keshin Sea - is borderlands/wilderness territory.
  Minor ice storm emanated from 3 towers rising from the lake - home to 8 Blue Tieflings.
  After 5 days ascended towards the Chalk Tablelands; set upon by a 100 strong gnoll clan.  Gnoll ambush!  Gnolls approaching from behind, in waves of 10 or so, total force of 100+.  Enemies approach from the sides (Gnoll Flesh Gnawers), archers with wickdly barbed arrowheads.  Tough enemies: a Flind, some Fangs, and a "dog with a scorpion tail" (Shoosuva demon - personal pets of the Demon Lord Yeenoghu).  Mayb and Ophion get knocked down, pulled to safety and stabilised.   Once the Flind, one the Fangs, and the dog (Shoosuva) are destroyed, an alp horn sounds, and the gnolls retreat, but only to the edge of the forest, lingering as if desperate to come back and finish us off; there is a static charge in the air as a storm pours down from the highlands.  With his hammer, Ephut Ki picks up the flail the Flind is no longer in need of, sensing the magic in it and knowing as a Cleric it would end badly for him if he were to touch it.  We retreat to the other side of the bridge to the cliffs of white stone and investigate the area.   Found a polished stone embedded in the ground which said in Sylvan:
    "Abandon all control you who enter
    You are Skaedguard now
    Bail is your One and Master"

This stone was also visible in the Feywild and indicates that the Skaedguard and Captain Bail have claimed the corresponding territory in the Feywild.   We put up a magic hut and rest.  In the night 20 horsemen on patrol bearing a 'viking' styled 'V' on their clothing were on patrol through the ruins of the town near the bridge - suspected of being part of the Skaedguard.     Heian senses where there are humanoids, recognising the clumps as settlements. We head for the largest. There is one area at the edge of his 5 mile range he can detect nothing.  Heian also detected 2 large gnoll warbands and a larger number of Orcs on the lowerside of the hills + 2 Brass Dragons on the uppermost side of the hill.   Approaching the main "town" you pass some humans and orcs who have been crucified on an X cross upside down.     Past the worked fields and into the the sprawling village , there's a ramshackle market, with lots of lovely food on offer. We notice a man sitting at one of the tables, he beckons us over, only Ruben goes to chat.  He starts talking to Ruben in Dwarven, all friendly initially, but then turning hard, demanding to know who we are, and why we are here. Then he switches languages - besides Ruben, only Ophion recognises the language but unlike Ruben, he does not speak it or understand what is being said. Ephut Ki realises something's not right, and goes over to give Ruben back up.    They discover this man is Eekeb Vandorack (the very man we have been on the hunt for). He insists on taking all of us to meet his Captain. It is clear it is not a choice. He asks us our names - Ophion provides a false name - Greven Capashen - clearly not trusting the man with that knowledge. Eekeb is enamoured with Maybellina and Ophion both and displays knowledge of recent events, such as Ophions engagement to Boss Jari's granddaughter He starts flirting with Maybellina, securing her position as next to him for the ride to the Captain, and then when meeting Ophion, proclaiming how he thinks teiflings should be worshiped and praised for they are the bridge between demons and humans.   On horseback, we head off to meet the Captain.  Travel further under heavy clouds and mountain mist, not so many trees but lush clumps of grass and ground cover on rocky soil - we pass many small temporary settlements and fields.  During the ride, Heian, Maybellina and Ephut Ki noticed a rift into the Feywild.   The ridges and linked high fields give way to open tablelands where we see a large fortified manor, outbuildings and people working.  An alarm rings out from out the open stone mouths of a 3 headed Mahakala statue and a streak of pure black appears in the sky.   A siren, a tear in space as the Shadowfel sends through a few unwanted visitors, a fight with Shandar-kai fanatics, a fight with a small Nightwalker, a fight with a few pussy boy gloom swarms.  2 workers killed and taken, many more saved   A fortified manor with lots of stuff that doesn't matter except to a missing Rubens   Yurlunggur the Elder God, the Feywild and an ancient Caridern house gripped by 2 trees   Slipping through space and time   An astrolabe   A creature alight with gems   maps, artefacts and battle magic found in the personal quarters of the Skaedguard elite.  Including comprehensive notes made by Eekeb Vandorack on the nature of the plans.

Game sessions:
  • May 2017
  • July 2017
  • August 2017


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