Tranquil Mind

A Tabaxi first encountered among the crew in the events surrounding the Marid, Tranquil Mind has decided to volunteer himself to fill the space left by the departure of Ephut Ki.   Age: Tranq just "smiles mysteriously" (as he puts it) or bares his teeth (as others put it) when asked about his age. Height: 5'11" Weight: 195 lbs   Tranq, as he insists his friends call him, states he is traveling the eastern lands due to a desire to see the world and experience other people. He is actually on a mission for his family searching the west coast for information about an artefact that was stolen from his family.   Tranq carries a lute with him, and enjoys breaking out into song for any reason. But he will tend towards playing Tabaxi love songs when he has been drinking. These are not particularly pleasant to non-Tabaxi ears. It's not sure if they are pleasant to Tabaxi ears either.   Tranq always has a highly decorated flask on his hip. Tranq insists it is a magical item that only works for him, allowing him to drink whatever liquid he desires from it. On the rare occasion that anyone has managed to pry it from his fingers, they all say that it holds just plain water, warmish and slightly dirty tasting.   Tranq often wears an eye-patch, with the particular eye being covered changing randomly. When asked about the patch he will tell a tale involving pirates, carnivorous mermaids, and fighting underwater and in the dark. The facts of the story often change as he tells it. Sometimes the tale may even mention why he wears an eyepatch.

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