Trantor Skyfall Machines

  • During the dying days of the war with the Alin, a singularity to the Void was formed inside the Loxodon homeworld.
  • The Loxodon began work on a system combining sigils, magic and machines that could not only hold back the Void, but could seal the tear into the Void and even stop the Nothing. This work was never completed although clues were left inside the homeworld, the Skyworlds and on the other worlds which they visited.
  • Deep within the core of the Loxodon homeworld, the Loxodon arcanists and heirophants spent the last of their resources constructing machine-artefacts designed to attract the escaping Void to the machines so that it would not spill into the rest of the places - effectively a giant magnet that attracts escaping iron filaments. Known as the Trantor Skyfall Machines. After the Loxodon were forced to abandon their homeworld and the Skyworlds they had created, the Trantor Skyfall Machines ceased to work.
  • The Loxodon set up a second line of defence with the Skyworlds above the Loxodon homeworld.
  • Within each of the Skyworlds the Loxodons drew massive epic strength sigils to generate a forcefield aoriunf the planetoid to protect them from being drawn into the Void and to protect them from the Nothing, White Wasps and phantom eneregy. Smaller scale artfact-machines were crafted at the centre of centre of each of the major Skyworlds. When the artefact-machines were activated they would aracanely capture and stimulate the sigils without the need for a caster to continually concentrate on maintaining them.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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