Undead Constructs

Nightmare Child

  • AC20 (Natural Armour), HP1050 (100d8+600)
  • Speed 60ft
  • S40(+15) D6(-2) Cn22(+6) I6(-2) W8(-1) Ch10(-)
2x Multiattack reach 50”:
  • 15”x 15” area affect claws/slam +19 3d20+20 bludgeoning or slashing +2d12 necrotic + knockback 30ft or prone (DC28 strength save
Bonus Actions
  • Spew 2d20 undead (ratio: 3 skeletons, 2 zombies and 1 ghoul) within 20” (recharge 6; max 3x long rest)
  • Spew poison 6d10 poison damage (recharge 6 - max 3 between long rests) range 50”; area 30” x 30”
Saves, Skills & Senses
  • Darkvision 120”, Blindsight 60”, PP 11
  • Regenerate 2d20hp less radiant damage taken in previous round (recharge 6)
  • Damage Immunities: cold, poison, necrotic
  • Damage Resistances: psychic
  • Spell Resistance
  • Undead damage resistance (all piercing, bludgeoning, slashing reduced by 3)
  • Undead survivability (5 rounds no other action except moving - all damage reduced to half)
  • Consumption Healing (Full round action - regain 1hp per 1HD consumed; medium & smaller 1 round; large creature 2 rounds; huge creature 4 rounds, gargantuan creatures 10 rounds)
  • Awful presence (Creatures with 300” DC 13 charisma save or fear condition)

Scientific Name
Undead Construct


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