Unremembered peoples

Forgotten and fallen peoples across known existence on the prime plane, including races, nations etc. as compiled by the Great University and the associated acadamies, libraries, schools, halls, universities, colleges, monasteries, towers etc:  
  • Aldimar (Sun Elves)
  • Aquedeum Dominion (human)
  • Aranatat (ruled by d'ivers)
  • Boderheim Kingdom under King Olomar of Ellallas
  • Bogadan, destroyed by the Old One Chim'qo Na Mi
  • Cameriten (reference to 6 legged beasts who ruled)
  • The Correlean Paradise (High Elves)
  • Erg Supremacy (Goryeo)
  • Tenneum Domain (Fungal beasts)
  • Athraxata (Goblinoid empire)
  • Jaraqi Farworld Empire (Elderday humans)
  • Jensennic Deviance (unknown cold-blooded homind species)
  • Kelforan Sovereignty (Unknown Giant rulers)
  • Queelion (arch enemy of the Alin, species unknown)
  • Nagai Preeminence (elderday elven race)
  • Nemed (first and largest non-Elderday human empire)
  • God-Kings of Nimaia
  • Sescenicai, Light of the (Empire of a forgotten God/s)
  • Siddharta of Orm (Orcs)
  • Magocracy of Porthos (Ruled by an Arch Sorcerer)
  • Seven Moon Realm of Porthos
  • Sparfolk (elderday race)
  • Thorobellum Deep
  • Xylytyz (aberrations from the edge of the Great Beyond)
  • Empire of Yuggoth
  • Zed, Inferiority of


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