Welcome to the Jungle 1478.05 to 1478.07

Dwayne & Essen emerge in a cavern and spot people moving toward another cave.The first has no eyes, and it's feet leave avian-like footprints.
The temperature drops. The second trails voices. Third is a Druegar. Fourth is a Tiefling. Sulphur smell in the air. The fifth is a muscular human who smells of cigar smoke.
Two dark-sinned children next, sigils in the air around them. The point at Dwyane. He & Essen follow and enter a monolithic cavern.
Time pushed out of joint and A waterfall of the Stars falling from an impossible height, a glaxy on the vetical plane turns and takes shape.| Three moons in the sky, one full, the others quarter moons.    Shadow people abound staring in rapt attention at the young priestess on an altar.
  “Five centuries ago, the Night War ended. Sparklehorse, Starpink and the Paranoid Stamptramp were crowned. Now crowned; Witch Queens of Holocene, all others knelt before them
“Sili, bleating lamentations for the forever mourned. Entariath, syphoning and consuming eternal dark. And Tori. Poor Tori, alive truly only in the zeroth, a virtual Queen.
“With the Witch Queens deep in Ascension rites to claim Hecate’s crown, a random fluctuation in time, pushing fragile time out of joint.| “Catastrophe and devastation. Hecate returned to her slumbering deep Spaces Bastille. Witch Queens split across all the Spaces and Places of existence, a minor disjunction event bumping a deafened and silenced universe.
  A new priestess takes the throne and talks about the physical history of Holocene, The empires and their histories.

“And here on Holocene. Empires fall overnight against an enemy history no longer remembers. The purple robed Sarpadians annihilated, death worshipping murder cults of Argos now ash, the pyramid building Mayuran swept away. The Janto Hegemony, the Sun People Sphere, the last Major Telehetti Circle and the Elven led Sousarn Khaganate. Vanished, now forgotten.
“And the Blue Star Empire of Azur Semudan. Empire at its largest ever extent, Semud’s one true golden age, wasted by the nuclear rise of the Sorcerer King of Sosso.
“A supernova radiating out and consuming all, a proto-empire explosively burning out, turning fallow with hubris and betrayal. The Sorcerer King victim to another fluctuation in time, inside a lacuna, forever trapped on the moment victory, while time elsewhere moved on.
  Mama Tet appears and talks while the previous two speakers walk among the shadow people as starlight

“And now five centuries later. A conjunction of the zombie constellations the Revellers, Time’s Arrow and Black Dahlia – two Witch Queens are returned, now fully formed and vast.
“Sili, with the dead and should be dead at her command and Entariath, ruby red apathetic and all-consuming unreality.
“And the Sorcerer King? Safely out of time has called the Faithful home for Walpurgis Nacht the conjunction opening the gates to his home, while trapping his form to memory while the zombie constellations stay locked.
“Youall know what you need to do, now fuck off and remember,
  “We cannot see all of existence. We are in the darkness of a trench, a deep cut, dark heavier than densest earth, presences lit by our own blood, little biolumes, heroic and pathetic Promethei too afraid or weak to steal fire but able still to love. The Elder Gods are among us and they care nothing and are nothing like us. This is how we are brave: we revere them anyway.”   While the rememberance was being spoken:
  • Essen looks up, not down. Fails a DC 25 WIS save. Takes 37 Psychic damage - Dissonant Whispers - and is Deafened.
  • Yurlungurr forms in the sky.
  • Essen keeps looking up. Fails save. 48 Psychic damage. -2 INT, WIS & CHA
  • Aves Reva forms. Essen defers.
  Essen and Dwayne are now part of the Starless Communion.   ***************************************************************************   Dawn wakes up in a jungle temple. Humid. Each tile represents a fruit. She can feel all aspects of her physical being. Boes, veins, the flow of blood. Disoriented.
  • A glacially cold pool nearby, surrounded by indecipherable words, words that spell out the names of forgotten gods and can no longer be understood by the universe
  Dawn casts Divine Intervention. Succeeds. Serra, the right-hand of Lythander, manifests. Serra reveals Dawn is in the Jin Jungle in the Ruby Empire of Semudan.
  • Reveals neither her nor Lythander can actually see Dawn.
  • Grants Dawn a +2 Maul effective against undead that uses WIS not STR.
  • Grants Dawn the [aladin ability of Healing Hands, and she is now immune to POISONED status and resistant to POISON effects.
  *******************************************************************************   Ophion, Gimblenock & Gundark appear in an underground reservoir. Sun overhead. Humid. A haven for birds and big cats. Hominid tracks.
Gundark reveals they belong to 6 humans, 2 elves and 1 vampire (non-human). Movement heard in tunnels.   *******************************************************************************   Dwayne & Essen appear in a jungle.   *******************************************************************************   Dawn casts Guardian of Faith by the nearest door, then casts Sending to Dwayne (Derrick) saying she is in the Shreebel Temple in the Jin Jungle. - Dwayne's response - 'Dawn? But you're dead!'   A Gnoll with a flamethrower appears, foolowed by two more Gnolls. Third Gnoll takes damage from Guardian of Faith.   Dwayne & Essen head towards the sound of Gnolls.   Gundark identifies Gnolls.   Warrior Gnoll wielding a scythe that, when swung, two more scythe blades appears, one black the other white. Attacks Dawn. 11 Slashingdamag e and PARALYSED until end of next round.   Essen finds Dawn using Locate Creature.   2 Gnoll monks appear in front of Gundark.   Ophion casts Cloud of Daggers (2nd level) at mouth of tunnel Gnoll monks are coming through for 12 damage.   Gnoll forces in the reservoir = 4 Brawlers, 4 Hunters, 2 Monks (Way of the Open Fist).   Monks attack Gundark. 1 hits. 7 damage.   Gimblenock casts Hold Person on the monks. Succeeds.   Three Gnolls jump in the same room as Dawn. Warrior Gnoll attacks. Dawn PARALYSED again.   Dwayne & Essen run into 7 Gnolls and a colossal undead Hyenadon covered with undead Gnolls.   Dwayne grabs Essen and uses Dimension Doors to reach Dawn.   Essen casts Lesser Restoration to cure Dawn. Essen gains 10 temp Hit Points.   Gundark rages.   Ophion Bardically Inspires Gundark, then casts Firebolt - DOUBLE CRIT - at the Gnoll Monks for 88 damage. Residual heat kills the seconf Monk. Remaining Gnolls flee.   Gimblenock hears Dwayne screaming Dawn's name.   Dwayne attacks the Flind (AC 18). Hits. 12 damage and Flind knocked PRONE. Further 94 damage.   Essen casts Sunbeam. 18 amage. Survivors are BLIND.   Dawn casts Fire Storm, catching each Gnoll on the ground and on the elevation. 45 damage. All living Gnolls killed. Undead Gnolls wander off.   Dawn relays Serra's message to the party. Lists the below gods;
  • Eldath
  • Ilmatar
  • Maliki
  • Lythander
  • Shantea
  Go to Shree Bel and receoncesrate profaned temples.   Dawn knows the way to the lacuna of the Sorceror King of Sosso.   Dawn casts Heroes Feast.   Gundark searches for his Belt of Storm Giant Strength. Dawn's Locate Object reveals nothing.   Gimblenock sees the green comets (cf. Gnomish Prophecy).    

Flamethrower Gnoll  

Time as presented by the Starless Communion    

Emeralds Blaze tile found by Grundark in the Cooling Well near Shree Bal

Second speaker under the Waterfall of Stars

Shree Bal stepwell

Serra, First of Lysander's servants

Frozen servant of the Starless Communion, trail of eagle feet

Gnoll monk of the elemental way destroyed by Grundark


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