

Large hominid, any neutral
Armor Class: 10 (hominid), 13 (natural armour hybrid and crocodile form)
Hit Points: 82 (12d8 + 24)
Speed: 20 ft , swim: 30 ft


17 +3


10 +0


12 +1


10 +0


8 -1


10 +0

Skills: Hide: +8 (with advantage if submerged in water)
Intimidation: +7
Senses: Blindsight (when in water only)

Hold Breath: In hybrid or crocodile form, it can hold its breathe for 30 minutes
Disease free: Werecrocodile is immune to any diseases or their effects
Vitality: Werecrocodile has 8HD it can be accessed for healing during a long/short rest rather than the standard 6HD
Cool Blooded: If the werecrocodile takes 10 hp or more cold damage in a turn, it's movement is reduced by half until the start of it's next turn


Multiattack: In crocodile form, the werecrocodile makes 2 attacks (two bites or one bite + one tail swipe) both which count as magical. In homind form it makes two sword attacks. In hybrid form it can attack like a crocodile or hominid.

Bite (crocodile or hybrid form): +7 to hit, reach 5", 2d12+3 piercing damage and can elect to grapple target (DC15). Until grapple ends, target is restrained and werecrocodile cannot bite another target. If werecrocodile was successfully hidden prior to attack, it gains advatage on the attack and has advantage on the initial grapple attack.

Tail (crocodile or hybrid form): +7 to hit, reach 10", d8+3 bludgeoning damage and target must succeed a strength save (DC15) or be knocked prone

Leiomano (hominid or hybrid form): +7 to hit, reach 5", d8+3 piercing damage


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