White Wasps

Mindless creations of fallen Elder Gods, the White Wasps sole purpose is to destroy the Spaces.
  White Wasp incursions are typically worrisome at a local level, but during discontinuance events they congregate into mega swarms and are immensely destructive
  Whole parts of existence and their blueprints in the quanti have been lost forever due to the mega swarms of White Wasps

Transmission & Vectors

If they reach the rift while it is open the White Wasps immediately set about undermining and neutralising the fabric of existence causing:
  • The rift to collapse; and/or
  • The rift to open exponentially; and/or
  • ‘Deaden’ the space-time of the area around the rift; and/or
  • Space-time around the rift to lose all its properties, magical and mundane; leading to
  • The existential extinction of the infected space-time.


Whenever a rift is created between planes or the Spaces, the White Wasps are drawn to it.


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