Wraith Accord

Some covens of northern warlocks and arcanists are loosely affiliated under the “Wraith Accord”.
  A Wraith Assembly was called by the strongest of the northern warlocks, Kord Mobius. This Assembly was called at the place of Dolg Catar's last stand, the Holocene.
  It was foretold that at the height of the Wraith Assembly, one of the arcanists “a chosen one” would be raised by the Great Beyond to become a Witch - the 1st true witch since the fall of the Sarpadian Empire 500 years earlier.
  A series of cryptic messages from the Great Beyond were received by attendees during the Assembly.
  The Wraith Accord leaders colluded with an Alin Xerarch trapped on its homeworlds before and during the Assembly. The reasons and outcomes were as follows:
    • the Xerarch provided the Coven Leaders access to millenium old arcane knowledge to facilitate the rising of a Witch;
    • the Xerarch was able to remotely inhabit the body of an appropriate arcanist host;
    • while inhabiting the bodies of the different arcanists, the Xerarch could interact with this world once more, including the relics left behind by the Alin
    • the Xerarch most desperately wanted to find Valt but could not as Tempus Viridi concealed Valt during the Assembly

The Witches Bowl used by the Wraith Assembly as part of their sacred rites

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