Xivvian Wight

Xivvian Wight

Medium to Large undead, neutral evil
Armor Class: 15 (natural + dexterity)
Hit Points: 42 (6d8 + 12)
Speed: 10 ft , fly: 40 ft , can hover


16 +3


15 +2


13 +1


8 -1


11 +0


10 +0

Saving Throws: Dexterity +5
Skills: Stealth +5
Athletics +6
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from non-magical or silver weapons
Damage Immunities: Cold
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Blinded
Senses: Blindsight 30"
Darkvision 180"
Languages: Alin
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Life Drain. Any creature that is grappled by the Xivvian Wight or starts/ends its turn within 5" of the Xivvian Wight, the creature must make a DC 14 constitution savings throw or take d6+2 necrotic damage and have its hit point maximum reduced by the amount of damage taken. If a creature's hit points are reduced to 0 by this method, it starts its detah savings throws already at -1.   All attacks made by a Xivvian Wight when at a higher altitude than its target, it gains advantage on those attacks.   While in sunlight, all actions are with disadvantage


Multiattack. Can make 4x short tentacle attacks, or replace 2 of these attacks with 1x long tentacle attack   Short Tentacle. Reach 20", +6 attack, d4+2 slashing damage and d6+2 necrotic damage   Long Tentacle. Reach 50", +6 grapple attack, target is grappled (if medium or smaller) and is automatically affected by Life Drain

A bloom of spectral tentacles descend from a gaunt, pallid torso.   Spectral wings emerge from its back, paddling ghostly light as a rotten glowing sphere where its head should be, is surrounded by a bleak necrotic aura.   From one the of Alin homeworlds, the Xivvian Wights are undead remnants of a long extinct race that once dwelt in the skies on giant biological dirgibles.   They dwell in the highest reaches of the atmosphere by day, and descend at night seeking victims on the surface.   Typically encountered in swarms, they can also travel on land, albeit very slowly.   There are some among the Alin who can control and direct them, though largely they exist at the edge of Alin civilisation, at the bow or edge of Alin activity.


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