
Yasar is the Mirror Khan of the Mirror Host. Inside the Blue Host Khagan, Yasar is considered second in power only to the Blue Khan himself.   A feared and dangerous opponent, Yasar is a caster of epic level spells and is throroughly ruthless in his suppression of dissent in both the khagan and the mirror host. With the force of his personailty and unquestionable power, Yasar has surrounded himself with other powerful arcane casters sworn in service to him, rather than the Blue Host Khagan. These arcanists are fanatical in their service to Yasar and are their own cult within the cult of the Mirror Host.   Although he is a close advisor to the Blue Khan, however the exact nature of his relationship with the Blue Khan and other members of the Imperial Court is unknown   Yasar was present at the Palanquin Convocation as witness for the Mirror Host   "We possess great reach and the resources of Empire. Accept our emissary and trade for access"



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