Yawgoth Spawn

Overview   Inspired by the fallen empire of Yawgoth and the Elder God Architeuthis, Jessudu the Sumptuous created a water-construct known as the Yawgoth Spawn.   Using broken shards and potsherds from that empire she spent decades designing and building the sacred jars that are necessary to contain the skins, bones, horns and cartilage needed to reform the Yawgoth Spawn each time it is created. The columns through her coral palace contained the sigils to reconstitute the Yawgoth Spawn each time. Incredible force of will was required to hold it together otherwise it would break into millions of pieces and dissolves back into the ocean.   Jessudu was working towards the spawn existing fully and not dissolving back to water without her will to hold it together. According to recovered aqueous humour scrolls, Jessudu was very close to doing so but needed to time it with the coral palace's close celestial proximity to the Elemental Plane of Water.   Statistics   Yawgoth Spawn abilities at full potential are below.   Yuggoth Spawn (90” x 90” x 20”)
AC 16, HP 500, Swim 40”
S40 (+15) D6(-2) Cn30(+10) I1(-5) W6(-2) Ch1(-5)
Damage Resistance - Cold, Fire, Lightning, water-based damage
Damage vulnerabilities - Thunder, adamantine weapons
Damage immunities - acid, slashing, piercing
Blindsight 120”, PP 8
Water transparency - DC15 perception check to find if it hasn’t moved or attacked
Multiattack (3x pseudopod only against separate targets):
  • Pseudopod +14 2d12+10 bludgeoning damage + 3d10 acid damage (Range 20”)
  • Engulf (DC14 Dexterity save) or 2d12 bludgeoning damage + 3d10 acid damage
  • Engulfed victim is restrained, has total cover, can’t breathe and takes 6d10 acid damage + 4d12 bludgeoning damage
  • DC20 strength check to pull victim trapped out of the Spawn but takes 3d10 acid damage + 2d12 bludgeoning damage
  • Gains temporary HP = ½ acid damage done to any creature engulfed; Temporary HP disperse 3 rounds later
  • 3/day while fully immersed in water may spend full round (no other actions) to regain 3d10hp (recharge 6 before 2nd or 3rd healing action may occur)
Scientific Name
Construct - Water


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