
  • Elder God of Transpiration and Dissonance
  • Transpiration = the action of Transpiring
  • Transpiring = to escape through pores/openings; to be revealed or become known
  • There were once more; one and the same Yurlunggur but more; now there is just the one
  • Yurlunggur spends all existence seeking and calling out across the void and all existence for its lost selves
  • Depicted as a blind serpent whose planet spanning body blackens the night sky where it touches this plane from the Great Beyond as it continues its eternal journey, unknowable to most mortals
  • Yurlunggur is a truly ancient Elder God, existing at the very fringes of existence, Yurlunggur passes through the void of the Great Beyond, distant from all things, existing purely within its own dream state, almost entirely unaware of the multiverse about it.
  • Yurlunggur is one of the few beings that can pierce the threshold beyond the multiverse into other existences, momentarily understanding the enormity of the Great Beyond and what it protects the multiverse from before simply adding that knowledge to its own jumbled dream state.
  • One of the earliest of all presences, Yurlunggur has time and again almost passed the threshold, but instead remains a being of power beyond that of most other creatures in existence
  • Trapped in the void, Yurlunggur is only free to roam creation during the times of upheaval, when all planes slip and slide before stabilising within new patterns and formations
  • Yurlunggur is a bringer of creative destruction, a bringer of vision of what is, what was, what may have been and what may be
  • Yurlunggur is a force of the cosmos; cannot be reasoned with, cannot be communicated with; but whose wake changes the shape and underpinnings of existence
  • ‘Avatars’ of Yurlunggur have made their way to distant worlds in time past; the Avatars are parts of itself it splits off to go search more easily among the ‘real’ worlds for its other selves
  • There have been so many and Yurlunggur ‘thinking’ is so nonlinear that it does not even know how many it has propagated over the years or what has become of them.
  • Most Avatars simply disintegrate back into the quanti, waiting to be reabsorbed by the Elder God where a very few become truly self-aware, becoming creatures of significant power in their own right
  • One Avatar is Wonambi, who is the powerful creature that propels the power of the Dark Heart of the Forest. The powerful Wonambi wants nothing more than to use the power of the Echoes to control the prime plane which it views as an endless supply of food and power to eventually rise and challenge the other Elder Gods
  • Nahuatl, Jamaran, The Grootslang, the Devourer, Dendar the Night Serpent are/were Avatars
  • The Caridern encountered Yurlunggur 60,000 years ago and it changed those who encountered it utterly


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