Zel Sentinel

Zel Sentinel

Huge elder construct, any evil
Armor Class: 22
Hit Points: 465 (30d10+300)
Speed: 60 ft , fly: 120 ft , burrow: 10 ft , swim: 30 ft , climb: 30 ft


30 +10


12 +1


30 +10


16 +3


16 +3


10 +0

Saving Throws: Strength +13, Constitution +13, Dexterity +4, Charisma +3, Wisdom +6, Intelligence +6
Skills: ALL skill rolls are made with advantage:
  • Athletics +16
  • Perception +9
  • Investigation +9
  • Survival +9
  • Deception +6
Damage Vulnerabilities: Force
Damage Resistances: Cold, Lightning, Psychic
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious, Exhaustion
  • Trueseeing 240"
  • Aware of any creature within 1 mile of it, but knows nothing else about that creature
  • Speaks Great Old One
Languages: Elder

  • Chain Lightning range 120" 10d8 damage (7 targets) Dexterity Save DC17

  • Any succesful melee attack requires attacker to make strength save of DC14 or weapon is caught within the manifolds of the Great Old One Sentinel Droid. Attacker may use an action to remove the weapon. If the weapon is part of the attacker (e.g. fist, claw etc) the attacker is considered grappled
  • Does not require air, food or watr to survive
  • Adamantine toughness; damage from each source is reduced by 3
  • Cannot be controlled or complelled except by the Great Old One that created it



  • 3x malleable strikes; 15" reach +16 4d8+10 damage (magical piercing, slashing or bludgeoning - chosen before each attack)

Legendary Actions

  • Legendary saves - 3x day can choose to save a failed savings throw
  • 1 action - malleable strike
  • 2 actions - move without provoking attack of opportunity

Incredibly rare, the Zel Sentinel are automatons created by the Great Old Ones to guard areas or creatures of extreme significance to the Great Old Ones.   Over the millions of years since they were first created, the Zel Sentinels have been destroyed, lost or have started to fail.   A Zel Sentinel is dangerously without empathy and view anything not aligned with the Great Old One that created them as a threat only to be destroyed. An active Zel Sentinel is dangerous to anything that crosses its path.


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