Zombie Master's rattlestick

Rare magic item (requires attunement)   10 charges, recharge d8+2 each dusk   Maximum CR of affected undead = proficiency bonus of holder
  • 1 charge = bonus action - range 30’, target undead heals 2d6 hit points
  • 1 charge = reaction - range 30’, target undead rerolls 1 saving throw
  • 1 charge = action - radius 30ft, target undead gains AC bonus = proficiency bonus of Rattlestick holder. Duration = wisdom or charisma bonus of holder +1 in rounds
  • 1 charge = action - range 30’, target undead gains 2x proficiency bonus of holder on successful melee hit and loses 1x proficiency bonus in hp when damage is dealt. Duration = wisdom or charisma bonus of holder +1 in rounds
  • 5 charges = reaction gain fortitude of undead, when damage would drop holder to 0 hp or lower make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the holder drops to 1 hit point instead
Item type


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