
The king of all Gold Dragons, Zoroaster exists throughout time:  
  • Gold Dragon Monarch who is in ongoing, cosmic conflict with his son Zarathustra
  • First encountered the BMG in Hecate’s Advent when they found his tomb. His tomb is travelling back in time and is marked by the 12” claw of the Shivan Dragon
  • Knows the importance of the BMG
  • Knows of the BMG Archetype forms
  • Experiences all his existence at once
  • Pursuing cosmic knowledge and mastery of arcane arts, and has liberated his mortal coils from the confines of the Key-Time Manifold
  • Is a Potentate of Law and Order in the unceasing struggle for order and entropy that roils within the seed of all thought and form
As the Gold Dragon King:
  • Has limited military power among all gold dragons
  • Is not an autocrat but the first among all gold dragons
  • Reserve powers to appoint imperial positions, call an Assembly of all Ancient Gold Dragons
  • Resides in the Halcyon Palace
  • Can use the full resources of the Halcyon Palace
  BMG encounters with Zoroaster:
  • In Hecate's Advent in the backwards time travelling tomb of the first dragon where he sent them back in time to the creation of the Nightmare Child in the ime of Carkade;
  • At the creation of the Nightmare Child Zoroaster sent the BMG back to Hecates Advent;
  • In a possible future when the Jorentes capital, Solis Major was under assault by an unknown army only referred to as "the enemy" numbering in the hundreds of thousands, Zoroaster sent the BMG back to the present;
  • On the Skyworlds the shadow of Zoroaster travelled through the BMG when they were reunited after Gimblenock had been to the core of the Loxodon homeworld and Essen, Gundark & Dwayne had been to a rebel Skyworld



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