Dragonsbreath Steel Material in Holos | World Anvil
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Dragonsbreath Steel

Dragonsbreath steel is a crucible steel alloy characterized by pattered bands and forged in specialized Qartagonian furnaces. The patterns are formed by the intense heat and magical nature of a dragonborn's breath weapon, which is kept in special furnaces that maintain the special qualities of dragon fire for continuous forging. Pioneered by the Qartagonian Emirates in the first decades of the Sundered Era, dragonsbreath steel remains one of the three most sought after materials in the creation of weapons throughout Holos and is renowned throughout the world for its sharpness and ability to easily graft magical effects onto it. For this reason, many dragonsbreath weapons are considered magical weapons, though the steel itself is not innately magical.


Material Characteristics

Dragonsbreath steel is characterized by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water, or in a "ladder" or "teardrop" pattern. The patterns are caused by bands of clustered iron particles made by microsegregation of low levels of carbide-forming elements through the unique heating and cooling method employed by Qartagonian furnaces and the magical properties of a dragonborn's breath weapon.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dragonsbreath steel is exceptionally good at holding its edge, with some claiming that it can cut the hair of a foe falling across the blade or even slice through a sling stone mid-flight. Dragonsbreath steel is considered a superplastic material but still extremely hard for its innate flexibility.

Geology & Geography

Dragonsbreath steel requires the use of a dragon or dragonborn's breath weapon, specifically a fire breath weapon. This, along with the complex formulation that goes into the creation of dragonsbreath steel, means that very few communities know the secret of dragonsbreath forging. The oldest community to produce dragonbreath steel is actually a dragonborn enclave in Alameen, though other forges can be found throughout the Qartagonian spheres of influence including Qartago, Tanis, and Cape Amberfall. Other states have attempted to get their hands on the secret to forging dragonsbreath steel but with little success.

History & Usage


Dragonsbreath steel was first invented in the early years of the Sundered Era, when the freed dragonborn slaves of the Palladian Empire were granted access to their master's forges as well as the breath weapons of their Mithril Era ancestors. The dragonborn integrated their knowledge of Shanindar smithing and dragonborn magic to create new weapons with the technical craftsmanship of the dwarves and the arcane properties of the Sundered dragonborn. These weapons gave the newly founded Qartagonian Emirates the technological prowess to rebuff the crumbling Palladian Empire's counterattacks and establish themselves as a new dominate power in the region of Nioa and the Sea of Brass.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Qartagonians consider dragonsbreath steel to be a sacred material that can only be created by dragonborn and can only be properly wielded by members of the Qartagonian military. The oldest sons and daughters of the Qartagonian elite are typically given a janbiya, a sacred dagger with a blade of dragonbreath steel and a hilt made of wyvern bone.


Law & Regulation

In the Qartagonian Emirates, it is illegal for anyone other than members of the Qartagonian military from possessing a dragonsbreath blade. Additionally, only dragonborn are permitted to work in weapon smithies that produce dragonbreath blades. Dragonsbreath steel is sold on the global market for an extreme mark up but possession of the formula for forging dragonsbreath steel is punishable by death.
These swords are characterized by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water, or in a "ladder" or "teardrop" pattern.
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