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Margerie Longseax

Queen of Cavalon

Queen Margerie Longseax

In early 360 SE, Margerie was married for a Lord Algert Bloomwater. In this time, spies of the crown alerted them that preparations were being made in Faleret to attack Tamory and so Lord Bloomwater began to gather an army to defend his kingdom. While participating in a training tourney, Algert suffered a terrible wound that crippled him and slowly killed him. Since then, Margerie has adamantly refused to consider new suitors in light of international conflict and rules the country in her own right. (With the invasion of the Varskogan refugees, Margerie engaged the Varskogan host twice—first against King Scornheart’s Army at Battle of Dead Elm Beach and again against King Greysnarl’s Army at the Battle of the Rose Road. During the Battle of the Rose Road, her army was routed and she lost her sword, the symbol of her power in the region. Now she dares not engage them except from behind her two controlled fortresses at Cavalon and Fort Ryley.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Presents as female.




Queen of the Kingdom of Tamory
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Tamory and Devonia
Year of Birth
339 S.E. 23 Years old
Brilliant blue eyes
Long dark red hair
Aligned Organization


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