
The Creatio Animis - The Subservient Race of Machine-like Creatures   The Animus, as they are commonly referred to, represent a peculiar legacy from the elder days prior to the fall of the fallen god. They are mute, subservient constructs often found tending to the ruins of the fallen god. Their utility is undeniable, capable of performing a wide range of menial tasks upon request. They exhibit no desires or personalities, rendering them little more than walking labor units. The origins of their construction, the reasons for their existence, and how they've endured through time all remain enigmatic mysteries.   Interestingly, the Church of the Savior, despite its strict restrictions on knowledge, technology, and innovation, appears to turn a blind eye to these automaton-like entities. This leniency is likely due to the Animus' role in maintaining critical artifacts from the elder days that help sustain the church's power. Additionally, the fact that no Animus has ever spoken, refused an assigned task, or spread heretical ideas seems to grant them a place in modern society, even though their origin is undeniably heretical in nature They are not regarded as truly sentient beings and are, as a result, considered property rather than individuals. Due to their lack of sentience, they cannot be held accountable for breaking the law since they have no concept of what laws or transgressions entail.   Intriguingly, Animus will remain entirely motionless if ever instructed to destroy, kill, or interfere with the will of a sentient being, reflecting their lack of independent intent or comprehension of harm.   They also lack a sense of ownership, which necessitates careful supervision to prevent them from wandering off on a task and potentially being intercepted by another entity. In such cases, any new orders they receive will override their current task.   If left to their own devices for a sufficient duration, an Animus will autonomously begin searching for relics of the elder days, subsequently resuming their maintenance protocols, showcasing a seemingly innate dedication to preserving the remnants of their enigmatic past.


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