
The Orecen - Very Large Sentient Creatures with many redundant systems and high resilience. Universally hated by the Darmerii, who routinely enslave or slaughter any Orecen on sight. They struggle to coexist with other societies and are often viewed as barely sentient raiders and marauders.   Their reproductive cycles remain a mystery to most other races. An Orecen tribe typically constructs a brood den, managed by a sole creato animus. Strangely, Orecen show deference to unliving creatures, never attacking or blocking the path of an animus. Darmerii slavers use this behavior to their advantage, employing animus to assist in maintaining holding pens and performing tasks within the tribal rings of Orecen slave farms.
The Orecen maintain a tribal hierarchy within their culture, where the strongest individuals assume leadership positions, and all others are ranked below them in a clearly defined internal order. Interestingly, Orecen do not exhibit the typical human traits of greed or hoarding, a characteristic that may be linked to the tribe's natural inclination to purge individuals displaying these traits.   For instance, when a younger Orecen returns from a successful blood raid carrying a valuable trophy, such as a finely crafted blade, any fellow Orecen who see it have the freedom to seize the trophy if it surpasses the quality of their own weapon. If the taker happens to be a much higher-ranked member of the tribe, they will simply take the trophy and abandon their own, now deemed inferior weapon. In Orecen psychology, there's no need for multiple weapons, and retaining both would invite the risk of two lower-ranked tribe members banding together to challenge the possessor and attempt to seize both weapons.   It is a rare occurrence for an Orecen to challenge a significantly stronger, higher-ranked tribe member, as such challenges invariably lead to the death of one of the participants, making them infrequent and highly consequential events in Orecen society.
There are three major factions within the Orecen races:   The Enslaved - these Orecen have been captured or bred by the Darmerii. They exhibit natural resistance to harsh conditions, but even bred Orecen must be closely monitored due to their inherent violent instincts and desire for freedom. Main characters:   Barak Teckus: an aging Orecen found as a slave in the Lagus quarrying camp. Surprisingly wise, he hides his lineage from the Iron Orc tribes. A devoted follower of the fallen God, he earns respect among the enslaved Orecen and indirectly protects them from the cruelty of their Darmerii captors. Following his story arc can lead to options for a slave revolt in the northern provinces. The Wild Tribes - Various factions of wild Orecen tribes that engage in hunting, gathering, and raiding. They aggressively resist any incursions into their territories, whether by Darmerii or fellow Orecen.   The Iron Orecen - Reclusive Orecen rarely seen outside the mountainous region of the Iron Mountain. They hold no love for the Darmerii or their orcish brethren, maintaining a distinct culture and displaying advanced knowledge beyond even the Darmerii.


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