history of the band of dellios

  • 2001

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    the attack on dellios
    Criminal Activity

    the band of black Dellos Is ambushed killing Dellos and causing the Groupd to go on the run to the western Empire

  • 2001


    A Caravan of Wealth
    Criminal Activity

    The Remaining Bandits united under the Leadership of Ash, Dust, gunther and Bargle.   they soon learned of a heavily laiden caravan headed towrds the Capitol. they slaughtered the gaurds and teamsters and fled into the great forest with the goods.   finding it laiden with riches and cyphered Notes

  • 2001


    establishing a home in the great forest

  • 2001


    Dust leaves for the The Northern Province

    Dust jorneys with his sister to the Capitol of the western Empire Latiuma City.

  • 2001

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    Arrival and Initial Inquiries

    Day 1 (Arrival): Dust arrives in the city, immediately intrigued by the underworld's power dynamics. He learns about Elena, a known and feared member of the Black Hand. With a particular interest in learning about Raven, her feared assassin patron, Dust begins to make subtle inquiries about Elena.   Night of Day 3: Word of Dust’s inquiries reaches Elena. She breaks into Dust’s room and wakes him at knifepoint, presenting him with two choices: impress her and earn her favor, or die. During this tense encounter, Dust makes an idle mention of wanting to learn about Raven. This sets the stage for his desperate attempt to gain Elena’s trust.

    Latuima City
  • 2001

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    Establishing Contacts and Laying Foundations
    Criminal Activity

    Day 10 (Morning):   Having spent several days quietly gathering information and making connections, Dust begins subtly asking around the slums for information on how to contact the Iron Fists and the Syndicate. He hopes to use this knowledge to impress Elena and secure his place in the underworld.   Evening of Day 12:   Dust is approached by Mara "Mama" Leontine at the Weary Traveler Inn, who directs him to Garrick "Whisper" Thorn as the key to contacting both the Iron Fists and the Syndicate.

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    Contacting Garrick and the Poison Heist
    Criminal Activity

    Day 17 (Afternoon):   Dust successfully contacts Garrick after days of careful planning and subtle maneuvering, avoiding any overt threats. Garrick, known for his vast network of contacts, proves to be a valuable ally.   Day 18 (Evening):   Dust visits The Poisoner’s Den, posing as a customer. After a few days of reconnaissance and careful planning, he distracts the owner and manages to pocket the Widow’s Kiss poison without being detected.   Day 19 (Late Evening):   Dust exchanges the Widow’s Kiss with Garrick for immaculately forged documents to issue challenges to both the Iron Fists and the Syndicate. Impressed by Dust’s cunning and subtlety, Garrick offers Dust a job to take care of Lady Isoble, a mistress of a minor lord named Lord Colburn.

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    Setting the Trap
    Criminal Activity

    Day 23 (Afternoon):   After several days of planning and preparation, Dust scouts out the meeting point at the Inn of the Rusty Nail. He discreetly stashes crossbows behind a bench in the local town square across the road from the inn, anticipating the upcoming confrontation.   Day 25 (Evening):   Dust begins to consider how to draw in the Royal Guard without tipping his hand. His information gathering reveals that the Syndicate is cautious, with their response hard to gauge, while the Iron Fists seem to fully take the bait, preparing a delegation to meet at the inn.

  • 2001

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    Confrontation, Aftermath and Elena’s Proposition
    Criminal Activity

    Day 30 (Morning):   The Iron Fists and Syndicate make final preparations for the meeting. The Iron Fists position a squad of ten men in the inn’s rooms, with Brutus and his second-in-command in the common room, and two enforcers outside. Aurelius and his second are seated with Brutus, their operatives disguised as patrons, ready to use smoke satchels if needed.   Day 31 (Evening):   Dust tips off the Royal Guard about the meeting, leading to a deadly confrontation at the inn. The Royal Guard breaches the inn, Seraphina is mortally wounded by a crossbow bolt from Dust’s hidden man, Brutus is slain in the ensuing chaos, and Aurelius is captured, marking a decisive blow against both factions.   Day 45 (Evening):   Dust, still reflecting on the fallout from the events, is having dinner at The Weary Traveler Inn. The familiar scent of cloves alerts him to Elena’s presence. A note under his mug instructs him to meet her in his room.   Later that Evening: Dust finds Elena in his room, immaculately dressed and flirty. She congratulates him on passing her test and informs him that he is now part of the Hand. As an added bonus, she has arranged a meeting with her patron, Raven, as Dust requested. Before leaving, she leaves Dust with a "gift"—the severed head of Garrick Thorn in a beautifully carved black wooden box tied with a crimson ribbon.