Miievo Hyuhalklech

A theistic Satanist organisation founded by a man named Mothonor.

Public Agenda

This religion feels everyone is doomed to an afterlife of boring misery with God, and wants to see everyone embrace their flaws as a sinful being, and have a happy afterlife in Hell.


Mothonor grew up with his parents and grandmother in Castle Combe, Wiltshire. Living on the edge of town, they were considered outcasts due to his family being from Hell. Growing up, he would always hear about how awful Satan was, and how creating a relationship with Jesus would be the best path for him in the end.  
He never agreed with the idea, and thought perhaps it was just a fringe idea, and decided to travel across Europe in 1880. Upon discovering it was much more common thought than he expected, he thought he should do something to people understand the Dark Lord isn't as bad as Christians make it out to be. During his travels he met many people who were either unsure of his reasoning, or fully agreed. He gathered as many of them as he could, and would teach them about life in Hell, and the history surrounding the Dark Lord with the knowledge acquired by his family and personal experiences in Hell. Inspired by these teachings, those under his wing would spread the word. Mothonor encouraged them to abide by the four tenets to further drive the point home.  
After his group gained enough attention, he decided to create the Miievo Hyuhalklech religion. It started out as just a chapel in the middle of nowhere, but decided to turn it into an abbey, especially after the Queen banned the practise in 1948. Many followers left the kingdom and immigrated into America after the ruling. With their help, they were able to get the religion officially recognised in America.

Mythology & Lore

Follows the Christian mythology.

Divine Origins

Mothonor was tired of all the propaganda God worshiping Christians were spreading how Satan was evil and God is good, especially since his parents had immigrated to Earth from Hell. They always talked about how great it was there, and how friendly demons and deceased hell-bound people were. This motivated him to create this group to spread the positivity of Hell and how it isn't as bad as it's portrayed.

Tenets of Faith

1. Recognise Satan is not an inherently malevolent person
2. Never infringe upon someone's right to do what they want, when they want, within reason.
3. All forms of sin are okay to act on within reason.
4. Despite mainly following the Christian mythology, worship of any God is acceptable, regardless of how close an individual follows the religion for said God, so long as it doesn't violate any other rules.

Jilit az so ke iloinka [Nothing is as it seems]

Founding Date
1st of December, 1940 in England. It was officially recognised in America in the 14th of March, 2000 and is the only country where it is recognised by the government.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Happy Days
Leader Title

Character flag image: by ArtisticArmoury