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Konalian Frostflower

A damp, heavy cold is often all that can be found in abundance here: it shares that trait with famine, trees, and marsh. A youth lays in the middle of the bush, his limbs a horribl gnarled look about them. Movement is rare, and progress even more so. An old wood elf approaches the young human on the wet ground, their long flowing cloak does not quite cover their bare feet. " The winds have not been kind to you, friend. Nor the rains" They appoach, and kneel down beside the pale human, and touches their face. It is frigid, but she knew that already. A snap of the fingers causes a small fire to appear beside the two of them. The young one moves towards it slowly, and the older one pulls the fire closer with a simple gesture. "The gods have not been terribly kind either." The old forest dweller says, as they reach beneath their heavy cloak, and retrieve a small flower. Its petals are as blue as the sky, and it has a pleasant scent, a sweeter sort of lavender. "But nature will provide, so long as you trust it". The elf puts the flower within a small wooden bowl, and begins to crush it gently. After a small amount of time, they pour the extract into a small cup, and mix it with a small cup of water. They offer it to the human, who drinks it as readily as they can, with their frost bitten lips still shivering. The elf gently lifts the human into a sitting position and moves the fire a little closer. The younger's now frostbitten hands and arms slowly begin to warm again and, despite the greater heat they feel, hurt no more. "After all, young one, nature has brought you to me."

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