BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In the world of Honarth, Droids are a common sight, serving as assistants, laborers, and companions to the inhabitants of the planet. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and capabilities, and have become an integral part of society. However, despite their widespread use, droids are not considered sentient beings and are treated as property, with few rights and protections.  


Droids are artificial, non-organic, sentient machines that are designed to perform a variety of tasks. They are used for everything from manual labor and transportation, to companionship and entertainment. They are incredibly versatile and can be customized to perform a wide range of functions, from simple menial tasks to complex scientific or medical procedures. They are created and maintained by various companies and organizations, and are often leased or sold to individuals or businesses.  

Culture and Lifestyle

Droids are artificial, non-organic sentient machines and do not have a culture or lifestyle of their own. They are created and programmed to serve specific purposes and follow the instructions of their creators and owners. However, some groups of Droids, particularly those that are sentient, may develop their own sense of identity and community. They may also be treated differently depending on their creators and owners, some may be treated as valuable assets while others may be treated as disposable tools.  


Droids are not a centralized or organized group, but rather a collection of machines created by different companies and organizations. They are often controlled and maintained by their creators, but can also be owned and controlled by individuals or businesses. Some droids are designed to be autonomous, while others are controlled remotely by their owners.  


Droids have a complex relationship with the other factions of Honarth. They are often seen as tools or property by the rest of society, with few rights or protections. They are often used by the corporate tie-ups and politicians as cheap labor, and are not considered sentient beings. They are also often targeted by the dwellers and scum, who see them as valuable sources of parts and technology. They are often ignored by the Gifters and the Faceless, who have little interest in their struggles.  


Droids have limited resources and rely on their creators and owners for maintenance and repair. They also often have limited autonomy and decision-making capabilities, and must follow the instructions of their creators and owners.  

For Game Masters


Notable NPCs associated with Droids include researchers, engineers, and technicians who work with droids, as well as the droids themselves.  

Adventure Hooks

  • The player characters are hired to investigate and expose mistreatment or exploitation of Droids by a corporation or individual.
  • The player characters are asked to help a group of sentient Droids gain their freedom or rights
  • A player character discovers a powerful secret or technology that could revolutionize the way Droids are treated and must navigate the dangers of the criminal underworld to bring it to light.
  • The player characters are asked to help a individual droid with a personal problem, such as a malfunction or discrimination.

Points of Interest for Players

  • Exploring the role of Droids in Honarth society and how they are treated by different factions.
  • Interacting with sentient Droids and trying to understand their perspectives on the world and their place in it.
  • Helping sentient Droids gain rights and protections, or assisting them in gaining autonomy.
  • Creating a character that is a droid or has a strong connection to droids, such as a droid rights activist or a droid engineer.
  Droids are an integral part of Honarth society, playing a variety of roles in the daily lives of the inhabitants. However, their status as non-sentient machines leads to a lack of rights and protections for them. As a Game Master, Droids can offer a unique perspective on the world and its dynamics, presenting interesting story and adventure opportunities for the players. It's important to remember that Droids are not a homogenous group and each one may have its own backstory and perspective, adding depth and complexity to the game world. Additionally, it provides an interesting ethical question for players to consider as they navigate the world of Honarth. It's a chance to explore the relationship between AI and society. Overall, Droids can be an intriguing addition to any RPG campaign set in Honarth.

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